Tuesday, March 14, 2006

C.A.R.S. Limassol Branch AGM

All our Limassol members are invited to attend the AGM.Your presence will help in solving the various problems in our society.


Date:29/3/2006 Wednesday

Time:7:00 pm


1.Council report

2.Treasurer’s report

3.Election of new Council

4.Appontment of 2 auditors.

5.Any other matter.

Note1:All interested to be candidates for the council, according to the Constitution ,should submit their candidacy supported by two members to the secretary two days before the AGM, to the address P.O.Box 51723, 3508 Limassol.

Note2:Also according to the Constitution, those taking part at the AGM should have their membership settled (year 2006).

On behalf of the Council

Loucas Demetriou 5B4BS-President

Michel Kreitem 5B4CW -Secretary

C.A.R.S. deploys the first APRS Digipeaters

The APRS network is now a reality in Cyprus. With two permanent digipeater stations, on Pissouri and Ag. Fotios almost half of the island is covered by this amateur radio service. The frequency used is the pan European APRS frequency 144.800MHz and the mode is 1200bps AFSK. Some Cyprus amateurs have installed mobile beacons in their cars using GPS technology and they can be tracked while mobile. To check the stations that are live (if an internet gateway is operational) visit the findU website.